Many things happen.... If you go to the astrologers, JYOTISHI, palmists, and they say something to you, when it happens you will think they predicted your future. Just the opposite is the case: because they predicted, your mind got into it and it happened. If somebody says that next month on the thirteenth of March you are going to die, the possibility is there – not because he had known your future, but because he has predicted the future. Now the thirteenth of March will move in your mind continuously: you will not be able to sleep without it, you will not be able to dream without it, you will not be able to love without it. Twenty-fours hours: ”The thirteenth of March and I am going to die.” It will become a self-hypnosis, a chanting. It will go round and round; the nearer the thirteenth of March will come, the faster it will move. And it will self-fulfill: thirteenth of March....
It happened once that a German palmist predicted his own death. He had been predicting many people’s death and it happened, so he became certain that his prediction was something; otherwise, how was it happening? And he was getting old so a few friends suggested, ”Why not predict your own?” So he studied the hands and charts and everything – all foolish – and then he decided about his own death: that it was going to happen on such and such a date, six o’clock early in the morning. And then he waited for it. Six was approaching; from five o’clock he was ready, sitting at the clock. Each moment, and death was coming nearer and nearer and nearer. And then came just the last moment – one moment more and the clock would say it is six, and he is still alive, how is it possible? Seconds started passing, and exactly when the clock struck six he jumped out of the window... because how is it possible.... And of course, he died exactly as predicted.
Mind has a self-fulfilling mechanism. Be alert about it. You are happy; the mind says, ”Of course, you are happy, it is okay – but what about tomorrow?” Now already the mind has distorted, destroyed this moment, it has brought tomorrow in. Now the tomorrow will come out of this mind, not out of that blissful moment that was there.
Don’t hope this way or that, for or against, drop all hope. Remain to the moment, in the moment, with the moment, for the moment. There is no other moment than this. And whatsoever is going to happen will happen out of this moment, so why worry? If this moment is beautiful how can the next moment be ugly? From where will it come? It grows, it will be more beautiful – has to be. There is no need to think about it.
And once you accomplish this, remaining with your innate perfection.... Remember, I have to use words and there is a danger that you may misunderstand. When I say remain with your inner perfection you may be worried because sometimes you may feel that you are not perfect – then remain with your imperfection. Imperfection is also perfect! Nothing is wrong in it, remain with it. Don’t move away from THIS moment; here and now is the whole existence. Everything that has to be accomplished is to be accomplished here and now, so whatsoever is the case, even if you feel imperfect – beautiful, be imperfect! That’s how you are, that is your suchness. You feel sexual – perfect, feel sexual. That’s how you are, that’s how God meant you to be. Sad – beautiful, be sad, but don’t move from the moment. Remain with the moment and, by and by, you will feel the imperfection has dissolved into perfection, the sex has dissolved into the inner ecstasy, the anger has dissolved into compassion.
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