Saturday, December 5, 2015

🌷 Rational, Realistic, Intelligent Response to Life

Nothing is wrong in being a scientist. 

If you love it, be a scientist, but then become capable by and by of using that scientific attitude as an instrument. 

You use it when you are in the lab, but when you go into your prayer room, you put it outside. In the prayer room you go as a layman, not as a scientist. 

So you have to decide... nothing is wrong.

It is simple. When you want to see something you use your eyes. If you want to listen to somebody you use your ears, not your eyes, because both move in a different way, both have different capacities. 

It is exactly like that. If you are going to listen to a song there is no need to even open your eyes. There is no need to see. One has to be totally in the ear.

When you are in the garden and watching a rose flower, if you are really alert you will come totally to the eyes. Then all other senses are dropped. In a certain moment when you meet the rose, you are no more any ear, taste, noise; everything is gone. You simply see the form.

This goes on continuously. The more flexible you are, the more alive you are. 

The capacity to move from the eyes to the ears, from the ears to the nose, from the nose to the tongue, from the tongue to the whole skin; the capacity to be available, the capacity to move wherever you like, where you choose to be, not fixated -- is flexibility. 

Your eyes don't resist when you want to close them. You are the master and you can do whatsoever you like.

Be rational, but always be capable of putting it away, because there are things in life which cannot be approached through reason. 

Don't be limited by your approach -- whatsoever it is.

The same is also true about religion; don't be limited by that. 

Don't be unable to live in the world because you are religious and so you have to live in a monastery. 

You cannot relate to a woman because you are religious. You cannot have children because you are religious. You cannot have a beautiful house because you are religious. That too is nonsense. 

Again you are getting fixed in a certain role and you are missing your flexibility, that fluidity which gives you the enrichment of many dimensions together.

Consciousness is multi-dimensional. Whenever you become fixed in one dimension you are impoverished; your richness is lost.

I would like you to also become a musician. I would like you also to become a meditator. I would like you also to be a scientist. 

Bigger and greater possibilities are there and you should be able to flow from one to another easily, very easily, with no hangover about anything.

When you go to the lab you become a scientist. You forget all about God. Matter becomes your God. When you come home and you meditate, God becomes your matter. When you love a woman, love becomes your meditation. When you meditate, meditation becomes your love.

If one can be available this way, it is the best way to be. So think about it!


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