Saturday, December 5, 2015

“ Have you ever said, "Hello," to a tree?

The tree will be sending its energy, its warmth to your hand. …. 
“ Have you ever said, "Hello," to a tree?
You yourself would think that you are going out of your mind.
Have you ever touched a tree with love, the same way you would touch your beloved?
Have you ever hugged a tree?
You are missing a whole world of sensitivity that surrounds you, that is available.
Slowly, slowly, you will start feeling that when you say hello to a tree... of course, it cannot respond in language, but it will respond in some way.
It may start swaying even though there may be no wind.
When you touch it lovingly, just a little acquaintance is needed, and you can feel that on the other side there is not something insensitive, but something which is far more sensitive than people are.
The tree will be sending its energy, its warmth to your hand.
If you hug a tree, the world is going to think you mad.
But all the trees will know that there is still hope for man; there are still sensitive people.
And hugging a tree, you will find more sensitiveness, more lovingness, than you can find even hugging your friend or your beloved, because your friend, or your beloved are full of tensions, anxieties, agonies.
Trees are absolutely innocent; their consciousness is as pure as the purest sky, unclouded.
We are not living in a dead world. “

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